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> Bag Sealers

Bag and Heat Sealers

Plastic bag sealing comes in many different forms. Polyethylene or poly bags can be sealed using an impulse sealer for lower production levels or a continuous band sealer for faster speeds. The proper sealer will efficiently enclose, protect, and professionally present products to customers.

Impulse Foot Sealer
Impulse Foot Sealers


$389.00 - $761.00
Tabletop Foot Sealer
Tabletop Foot Sealers


$575.63 - $936.62
Continuous Band Sealer
Continuous Band Sealer


Was: $1,356.10
Now: $999.99

The best all-around bag sealer can be challenging to determine. The most common is a wire sealer that makes a small to 5mm wide seal. The most common sealer does not indicate the best sealer, though.

The best bag sealer is determined by the bag being used, the packaged product, and what will happen to the product after the packaging is complete. Check our list below to find the best bag sealers, no matter the task.

The Best Bag Sealers for Small, Lightweight Products


The best bag sealers for smaller products are round or flat wire sealers with a 2mm seal or less. A thinner, flexible polymer such as lightweight polyethylene bags work great being sealed with thinner sealing wires.

The thinner sealing wire leaves a small seal seam. With a round wire sealer, the excess film is cut during the seal. A flat wire sealer leaves an additional film after the seal is made. The leftover material can be used to place a hanger hole or branded chipboard hanger piece at the top of the bag.

The reason these two thinner sealers are best with lighter products is the seal thickness. The seal seam is often the weakest link in a bag; a thinner seal seam will easily break with heavy products.

How to Use

Round Wire sealers, at the most basic level, are Impulse sealers that open and close like an office stapler. As you press the sealer down, the seal is made. This is the same for basic flat wire impulse sealers. More productive bag sealers can be used with hands-free operation or belt-fed continuous band sealers.


Simple impulse sealers with thin sealing wires cost less than $300, depending on the size and type of sealer purchased. Finding a “cheap” machine does not always mean you have found a deal. The quality of machines for sale varies tremendously. Buying a cheap machine should be fine for a small one-time product, but for reliability and consistency, it is not recommended.

Where to Purchase

Impulse sealers can be bought from several places online; of course, Amazon has many sellers also offering them. We are not familiar with any national retail stores offering them.

Possible Additional Costs & Equipment

A good impulse sealer with a round wire should have Teflon tape protecting the sealing wire. The tape will tear over time, and the sealing wire will need to be replaced after enough seals. Those are considered wearable parts that will require to be replaced.

What You Need To know

Buying a less expensive machine does not mean a good deal. They will break down faster with less reliability. Be sure the place you make a purchase has replacement parts and assistance. At U.S. Packaging & Wrapping LLC, we offer parts and troubleshooting assistance on all impulse sealers we offer.


  • Smaller sealing seams mean less noticeable seals.
  • Sealers with a thinner seal cost less than thicker sealers.
  • Round wire sealers cut excess film during the seal.


  • Thinner sealing wires can burn out faster.
  • The thinner sealer seam can bust with heavy products or high transportation stress.

The Best Bags Sealers for Heavy Products with Sharp Edges


Heavy products or products with sharp edges require heavy-duty bags to withstand punctures. Heavy can be a relative term. For products weighing over 5 lbs, we recommend a seal seam thicker than 2mm. A 5mm seal will often handle products up to 15-20 lbs and bag thicknesses up to 6 mils. To some, heavy can also mean much more than 20 lbs. For those products, the material the bag is made of is essential in picking the right sealer. A jaw sealer is a great option for a thick, durable seal. The jaw sealer has a two-inch serrated seal seam perfect for thick bags and heavy materials. We have used jaw sealers for 50 lb. bags of dog food during in-house testing.

How to Use

Impulse sealers are available in a 5mm seal thickness. As with the sealers mentioned above, users place the bag end under the sealing bar, and it closes like an office stapler. A jaw sealer is different than an impulse sealer. Jaw sealers have constant heat. The sealing bar stays hot while the sealer is turned on. For this reason, most jaw sealers are foot-operated to keep the user’s hands from contacting the hot sealing bar. The open end of the bag is placed into the open sealing bar, and a foot pedal is pushed to make a seal.


An impulse bag sealer with a thicker 5mm seal blade can be purchased for under $200, depending on the size. As explained above, pricing can indicate a poorly made sealer that will not be the most durable. Jaw sealers that maintain a constant heat are pricier than impulse sealers but are still available for under $500, depending on the size.

Where to Purchase

Impulse sealers with thicker sealing blades can be purchased online from various suppliers, including Amazon. Be sure the supplier you choose can assist with problems or needed parts if you depend on these machines.

Possible Additional Costs & Equipment

The impulse sealer will require new Teflon tape and sealing wires over time. Jaw sealers do not need additional parts for a long time if no materials build up on the sealing arm.

What You Need to know

If you are sealing heavier products over 20 lbs. know the type of bag you are using and be sure it will work with a jaw sealer. With heavier products, the right bag can save a lot of headaches.


  • Impulse and jaw sealers have less expense than other bag sealers, with no setup.
  • Jaw Sealers offer hands-free sealing.
  • Impulse sealers and jaw sealers plug into standard wall outlets.


  • Sealing thicker materials will cause the impulse sealer seal wire to burn out faster.
  • Plastic can quickly melt to a jaw sealer because of the constant heat.
  • Users can burn themselves on a jaw sealer with the wrong hand placement.

The Best Bag sealers for liquids


When sealing liquids in a bag, it is important to use a thick enough bag and sealer. One small puncture can cause fluids to spew everywhere during transit or storage. If a bag is necessary for a liquid or partial liquid product, chamber sealers are ideal. Seals are strong and durable, and using a vacuum helps reduce fluid movement within the bag.

How to Use

Lay the open end of the sealing bag across the sealing side and close the lid. The chamber creates a vacuum causing any air within the bag to be removed. Once the air is removed, a seal is made, and the liquid is secured within the bag.


Chamber vacuum sealers are expensive. The larger the chamber, the more cost. Small restaurant or home models can be found at kitchen stores. For higher production model chamber sealers, costs can be over $10,000.

Where to Purchase

Low-production vacuum chambers are available in some kitchen supply stores. A large selection can be found online or with a local packaging supplier.

Possible Additional Costs & Equipment

Adequate bags are thick enough to avoid punctures. Additional airlines for higher production chambers.



  • Vacuum Chambers produce an excellent vacuum.
  • Seals are strong and durable.


  • Low-quality vacuum chambers take forever to vacuum and seal.
  • Vacuum Chambers are expensive.
  • Any chambers with speed require an external airline to function.

The Best Bag Sealers for Pharmaceutical Packaging


Pharmaceutical packaging can have varying regulations from state to state. The required bag thickness will help determine the type of sealer needed. Many pharmaceutical packaging requirements include validation. For a bag sealer to validate a product, it must be digital with a set time and seal temperature. This helps to show a consistent seal time after time.

How to Use

A validatable sealer works the same as other sealers. The bag is placed between the sealing bars, and the seal is made with an exact temperature and seal time.


Good validatable sealers can cost more than $3000. The size of the sealing bar and available digital settings will affect the cost of the sealer. Large 40”-60” sealer can cost over $10,000.

Where to Purchase

Medical equipment supply stores can usually find validatable sealers. Another option is a medical supply or packaging tradeshow. Pharma supply shows take place all over the country. If not live, virtual shows always happen with suppliers displaying their products.

Possible Additional Costs & Equipment

Most sealers with validation are standard 110v plugins. Some do require replacement tape and will need a replacement sealing element over time.

What You Need to Know

The higher cost is justified by the amount of control a validatable sealer offers. Choose a supplier that provides parts for the machines they sell.


  • Any chambers with speed require an external airline to function.
  • set seal times and temps to accommodate material variations and thicknesses.

The Best Bag Sealers for Starters


Impulse sealers are the most popular bag sealers for starters because of their low cost and ease of use. Upon arrival, unpackage and plug-in to begin using. For sealing bags, the most common impulse sealer used is a flat wire impulse sealer. The flat sealing wire helps seal thicker materials if needed.

How to Use

Impulse sealers have one control knob for adjusting the heat time settings. For materials under a six mil thickness, begin with a 4-5 sealing time. Insert the open bag under the sealing arm and close the arm until the sealing light shuts off. After the light turns off, raise the sealing arm, and the bag should be sealed. If the bag is not sealed well, increase the sealing time. If there are burns in the seal, reduce the sealing times.


Impulse sealers can range in price based on the size of the sealer and the quality of the sealer. Many sizes can be purchased for under $250.

Where to Purchase

Impulse sealers can be purchased online through many different avenues. eBay sellers and Amazon sellers always offer sealers online for low prices too.

Possible Additional Costs & Equipment

Aside from a work table, the only additional costs are wire replacements and Teflon tape.

What you Need to Know

There are many places to purchase impulse sealers online. Be sure you are purchasing a quality machine if you will need it for production. Paying a lower price will only cost you in the long run. Make sure any place you buy from has replacement parts available for your machine.


  • Easy to Use
  • Affordable
  • Quick Set Up


  • Wires Burn Out
  • Major Quality Issues on Cheap Models
  • Limited Production

The Best Bag Sealers for Faster Production


Continuous band sealers are the best option for faster production. Moving from a manual sealer to a continuous motion sealer will dramatically increase production. The continuous motion is from a conveyor belt. Without starting and stopping after each seal, the belt continuously feeds bags as they are placed on the sealer.

How to Use

After the sealing element is warmed up, place the bag’s open end on the sealing area to be fed through the sealer. As the machine takes the bag, let go and allow the machine to do the rest. The bag will be pulled through the sealer along the conveyor belt.


There is a large selection of continuous band sealers with various seal thicknesses. Some begin at prices under $1000, and many over $5,000.

Where to Purchase

For good continuous bag sealers, we recommend a packaging company with professionals knowledgeable about sealing equipment. Bag and product variants will require adjustment settings, and having someone to help is beneficial for time and ease.

Possible Additional Costs & Equipment

Stand-alone sealers may require the purchase of a leg set, or an inert gas may need to be purchased for band sealers with gas flush. Sealing wires will wear out over time, and Teflon tape will also need replacing.

What You Need to Know

The right continuous motion bag sealer will run for thousands of hours before needing replacement parts. When parts begin to wear, there are a lot of moving pieces. Working with a company familiar with the machine you purchase can help identify problems and ship replacement parts faster.


  • Large Gain in Production for Minimal Cost
  • Digital Settings
  • Complete Belt Speed Control


  • Many Moving Parts
  • Seal Band & Tape do Wear Out Over Time; Unless Special Made
  • Most DO NOT Work Well With Large Bags

The Best Bag Sealers for Paper Bags


Paper or Kraft paper bags usually have a poly coating inside of the bag. Once heated, the poly binds together to create a seal. Paper bags can be used for light and heavyweight products. Constant heat sealers work great with paper bags. The sealer heats up to a constant set temperature for heating the poly on the bag’s inside.

How to Use

Constant heat jaw sealers work like other sealers with a closing arm to create a seal. Unless automated, most constant foot sealers are foot pedal operated.


Constant heat sealers can range in price from under $500 to over $5000 for automated options. Automated sealers come with digital temp settings and controls, while lower-priced options come with analog controls.

Where to Purchase

Many constant heat sealers are not stock items and need to be purchased for production. Local packaging companies can help with sourcing the right model for your needs.

Possible Additional Costs & Equipment

The covers for the sealer will wear out over time and need to be replaced, very few wearable parts with long machine life.

What You Need to Know

Constant heat bag sealers become very hot and can burn workers. Be sure anyone operating the sealer knows to keep hands away from the sealing area.


  • Heat remains the same temperature while the sealer is on
  • foot pedal or automated leaves hands-free
  • minimal cost for starter sealers


  • The sealing area becomes very hot; for foot models
  • users have to hold the bag during the seal
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