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Hand Grade Poly Strapping (16x6 Core)

$88.31 - $219.76

Poly (Polypropylene) strapping is ideal for a variety of strapping uses. This hand grade poly strapping comes in a 16"x6" core with one coil per carton. Plastic strapping is a choice alternative to nylon and steel strapping.

Poly strapping is economical and efficient. A variety of seal types can be used. Some sizes are available in different colors. Call customer service at 1-800-441-5090 to inquire about different colors. Shop a large selection of other packaging supplies from our homepage.

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SKUProductCoils/CaseTensile Strength/ThicknessColorFinishWeightPriceSale PriceQty
QS-12-30-1141/2"x11400'1300/.020BlackEmbossed30 LBS $117.46N/A
QS-12-25-151/2"x15000'1200/.018BlackEmbossed40 LBS $139.83N/A
QS-12-40-501/2"x5000'1400/.024BlackEmbossed30 LBS $99.50N/A
QS-12-75-551/2"x5575'1700/.037BlackEmbossed30 LBS $204.93N/A
QS-12-65-651/2"x6500'1600/.035BlackSmooth30 LBS $177.99N/A
QS-12-50-661/2"x6600'1500/.028BlackEmbossed30 LBS $149.08N/A
QS-12-60-661/2"x6600'1600/.033BlackEmbossed30 LBS $183.65N/A
QS-12-45-721/2"x7200'1400/.025BlackEmbossed30 LBS $138.95N/A
QS-12-48-721/2"x7200'1400/.026WhiteEmbossed30 LBS $167.30N/A
QS-12-50-721/2"x7200'1500/.028BlackEmbossed30 LBS $156.43N/A
QS-12-52-721/2"x7200'1500/.028WhiteSmooth30 LBS $167.29N/A
QS-12-60-721/2"x7200'1600/.033BlackEmbossed30 LBS $192.84N/A
QS-12-25-901/2"x9000'1200/.018BlackEmbossed30 LBS $88.31N/A
QS-12-30-901/2"x9000'1300/.020BlackEmbossed30 LBS $104.39N/A
QS-12-40-901/2"x9000'1400/.024BlackEmbossed35 LBS $137.88N/A
QS-12-42-901/2"x9000'1400/.024WhiteEmbossed35 LBS $150.39N/A
QS-34-100-453/4"x4500'11050/.046BlackEmbossed35 LBS $219.76N/A
QS-58-100-355/8"x3500'11000/.045BlackSmooth30 LBS $169.00N/A
QS-58-70-545/8"x5400'1700/.036BlackEmbossed30 LBS $200.27N/A
QS-58-45-805/8"x8000'1400/.025BlackEmbossed35 LBS $192.59N/A
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