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Recycling Food Containers - Is Plastic Packaging Recyclable?

Recycling Food Containers: Is Plastic Packaging Recyclable? 

Sustainability and environmental awareness are some of the most significant talking points facing society today – and plastic is often at the center of this discussion.

Is plastic sustainable? What’s the best way to recycle plastic, and which plastics are okay to recycle or reuse?

In this guide, we look at the different types of plastic containers and how best to recycle them. We’ll also touch on guidelines for safely recycling meat packaging.

Recycling Symbol

Which Plastics Are Recyclable and Which Are Not?

It can sometimes be difficult to tell which plastics are easily recyclable at home and which require extra steps.

Below is a simple and effective way to tell which plastic containers are recyclable and which aren’t:

How to Tell a Container is Recyclable 

Most plastic containers are recyclable – however, they may not all be suitable for recycling curbside and some require more effort to recycle than others.

Determining if a container is recyclable depends on the recycling guidelines and infrastructure where you live.

Look for symbols on the plastic container that resemble the recycling arrows (called a ‘Mobius loop’) with a number inside to indicate the container’s resin type.

Then check against your local recycling programs or waste management authorities for accepted materials and guidelines.

Also consider factors such as the container material, shape, and presence of non-recyclable components (e.g., labeling or packaging sleeves).

Plastic Recycling Codes
Where To Donate Plastic Food Containers?

To properly donate reusable plastic food containers, consider local options such as food banks, community organizations, or shelters that accept donations of food storage containers. It’s always better to reuse than recycle.

Other methods include checking for recycling centers specializing in recycling and repurposing plastic waste.

Can You Recycle Containers with Food Residue?

food packaging can often become stained with leftover food residue. But can they still be recycled?

It’s recommended to rinse food residue from plastic containers before recycling, as this can contaminate the recycling process and reduce the quality of newly recycled materials.

When small traces of food residue are mixed in with recycled materials, it doesn’t cause too many problems – but heavily stained containers will be rejected by recycling facilities.

So, if a container is covered in food or grease, you must clean it before recycling.

However, the specific guidelines on recycling may vary based on location. It’s important to always check with local recycling facilities before deciding how to recycle products.

Containers That Can Be Recycled

Are your plastic containers recyclable curbside or at a local recycling point? Below is a list of containers and guidelines for recycling them:

  • Are Drink Carriers Recyclable?

While drink carriers made from paper or cardboard are generally easy to recycle, plastic containers may need extra consideration.


Firstly, check which type of plastic they’re made from and then place them in the appropriate recycling area. Always refer to local authority guidelines when dealing with specific plastics.

  • Are Plastic Fruit Containers Recyclable?

Plastic fruit containers come in several varieties; some may be more widely recyclable than others. However, most plastic fruit packaging is recyclable at home or in a recycling facility.

From high-density plastic boxes to breathable, lightweight trays, fruit containers come in different food-safe varieties, so it’s essential to check with local authorities on recycling each product.

  • Are Takeout Containers Recyclable?

aluminum takeout containers are widely recyclable, with plastic containers, it isn’t so clear cut. There are many materials used in a vast selection of take-out containers. In addition to aluminum takeout containers, foam and paperboard are also common.

Whether you recycle takeout containers depends on the material and your local recycling facilities. However, why not reuse your containers as a lunch box or to store leftovers?

  • Are Cottage Cheese Containers Recyclable?

Cottage cheese containers come in multiple materials – from cardboard to various types of plastic. Generally speaking, most cottage cheese containers are recyclable. However, you must check with your local recycling facility if you’re unsure or if the recycling code is not visible on the bottom.

It’s also essential to ensure containers are thoroughly cleaned before recycling, especially in plastic containers – not to disrupt the recycling process.

  • Can You Recycle Pizza Packaging?

While pizza boxes are almost exclusively made from cardboard – one of the most widely recyclable materials – frozen pizzas may also come with additional shrink film for hygiene.

But can this be recycled?

The answer is yes! While it may not be as widely recyclable as cardboard, pizza shrink film is still recycled at some centers.

  • Are Frozen Dinner Containers Recyclable?

TV dinner containers are usually made from different types of plastic suitable for use in microwaves.

Before recycling frozen dinner containers, it’s essential to clean out any excess food residue, then check which type of plastic the container is made from by checking for a recycling label.

The different packaging components – such as the tray and plastic film –  may need to be recycled separately. Due to the multiple combined materials, many frozen containers are not recyclable.

Styro Food Container

Containers That Cannot Be Recycled

While most plastic containers can be recycled either curbside or at a specialist recycling center, certain types of packaging cannot be recycled at all.


Below is a list of plastic packaging products that cannot be recycled and the reasons why:

  • Are Styrofoam Food Containers Recyclable?

Styrofoam – also known as expanded polystyrene (EPS) – is not widely recyclable. The material is lightweight and bulky, making it especially difficult to recycle.

While some specialist facilities accept Styrofoam, general recycling facilities will not. So, it’s always better to reuse Styrofoam than recycle it.

For example, Styrofoam can serve as packaging peanuts to cushion delicate products during shipping.

  • Is Coffee Packaging Recyclable?

Coffee packaging comes in various materials and designs; some can be recycled, but many containers present a challenge.

If the coffee packaging is made from multiple layers (e.g., foil-lined or plastic-coated), it may require a separation process or mean the packaging cannot be recycled.

If you want to make a sustainable choice, look for coffee packaging made from a single material type with a recycling logo. There are even bio-paper coffee packaging options that are widely recyclable. Many eco-conscious businesses have gone to Kraft bags for short-term containment from the store to home.

Guidelines For Meat Packaging Recycling

Meat Packaging Container
Plastic meat packaging may or may not be recyclable depending on the material used and the design of the product.

There are multiple types of meat packaging and different recycling methods may be involved for different types:

  • Plastic Meat Trays: Some plastic meat trays (like those made from PET or HDPE) may be accepted in recycling programs – but they must be cleaned and rinsed before recycling. Recyclable meat trays are becoming more popular.
  • Styrofoam Trays: Styrofoam trays commonly used for meat packaging cannot be recycled in curbside recycling programs. Instead, it’s better to look for specialist facilities that deal with EPS materials. Because of cross contaminants from meat, it’s generally not recommended to reuse this type of Styrofoam for packaging filler.
  • Plastic Wrap or Film: Plastic wrap and film packaging meat are generally not recyclable through curbside programs. Instead, look for drop-off programs specializing in plastic wrap or film recycling.

Find out more about meat packaging considerations in our comprehensive food packaging guide!


More recyclable food containers continue to come onto the market. As regulations and innovation increase, manufacturers find better options for renewable, recyclable, and eco-friendly food packaging containers. Until other options are available, many responsibilities fall on the consumer. It is crucial to inspect the food container to locate a recycling code. From there, it can be determined which recycling facilities can best accommodate the container.


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